Custom Vehicle. Any motor vehicle that:

(1) Is at least twenty-five years old and of a model year after 1948, or was manufactured to resemble a vehicle twenty-five years old or older and of a model year after 1948; and

(2) Has been altered from the manufacturer's original design, or has an entire body constructed from nonoriginal materials.

Kit Vehicle. A motor vehicle assembled by a person other than a generally recognized manufacturer of motor vehicles by the use of a glider kit or replica purchased from an authorized manufacturer and accompanied by a manufacturer's statement of origin.

Major Component Parts. The rear clip, cowl, frame, body, cab, front-end assembly, and front clip, as those terms are defined by the director of revenue pursuant to rules and regulations or by illustrations.

Motor Change Vehicle. A vehicle manufactured prior to August, 1957, which receives a new, rebuilt or used engine, and which used the number stamped on the original engine as the vehicle identification number.

Reconstructed Motor Vehicle. A vehicle that is altered from its original construction by the addition or substitution of two or more new or used major component parts, excluding motor vehicles made from all new parts, and new multistage manufactured vehicles.

Specially Constructed Motor Vehicle. A motor vehicle which shall not have been originally constructed under a distinctive name, make, model or type by a manufacturer of motor vehicles. The term specially constructed motor vehicle includes kit vehicles.

Street Rod. A vehicle older than 1949 or a vehicle manufactured after 1948 to resemble a vehicle manufactured before 1949; and has been altered from the manufacturer's original design or has a body constructed from nonoriginal materials.

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