Antique Motor Vehicle. Any motor vehicle which is more than 25 years old and is owned solely as a collector’s item.

Classic Motor Vehicle. A motor vehicle which is more than 25 years old and is registered pursuant to § 17A-10-3 of this code and is used for general transportation.

Essential Parts. All integral and body parts of a vehicle of a type required to be registered hereunder, the removal, alteration or substitution of which would tend to conceal the identity of the vehicle or substantially alter its appearance, model, type or mode of operation.

Reconstructed Vehicle. Every vehicle of a type required to be registered hereunder materially altered from its original construction by the removal, addition or substitution of essential parts, new or used.

Specially Constructed Vehicle. Every vehicle of a type required to be registered hereunder not originally constructed under a distinctive name, make, model or type by a generally recognized manufacturer of vehicles and not materially altered from its original construction.

Resource Type