From New Mexico Statues:

N. M. S. A. 1978, § 66-11-4. Special equipment

A. Unless the presence of equipment named by the Motor Vehicle Code was a prior condition
for legal sale within New Mexico at the time the historic or special interest vehicle was
manufactured for first use, the presence of such equipment shall not be required as a condition
for current legal use.

B. Any motor vehicle of historic or special interest, manufactured prior to the date when any
emission controls were standard equipment on that particular make or model of vehicle is
exempted from the laws requiring any inspection and use of such controls.

C. Any safety equipment that was manufactured as a part of the vehicle's original equipment
must be in proper operating condition when the vehicle is operated for highway purposes.

N. M. S. A. 1978, § 66-11-5. Sale or trade

The sale or trade and subsequent legal transfer of a motor vehicle or parts car of historic or
special interest shall not be contingent upon any condition that would require the vehicle or
parts car to be in operating condition at the time of sale or transfer of ownership.

N. M. S. A. 1978, § 66-3-832. Single-beam road-lighting equipment

Headlamps arranged to provide a single distribution of light shall be permitted on motor
vehicles manufactured and sold prior to July 1, 1953, in lieu of multiple-beam road-lighting
equipment herein specified if the single distribution of light complies with the following
requirements and limitations:

A. the headlamps shall be so aimed that when the vehicle is not loaded none of the high intensity
portion of the light shall at a distance of twenty-five feet ahead project higher than a
level of five inches below the level of the center of the lamp from which it comes, and in no
case higher than forty-two inches above the level on which the vehicle stands at a distance of
seventy-five feet ahead; and

B. the intensity shall be sufficient to reveal persons and vehicles at a distance of at least two
hundred feet.

N. M. S. A. 1978, § 66-3-844. Mufflers; prevention of noise; emission control devices

A. Every motor vehicle shall at all times be equipped with a muffler in good working order and
in constant operation to prevent excessive or unusual noise, and no person shall use a muffler
cutout, bypass or similar device upon a motor vehicle on a highway.

B. The muffler, emission control equipment or device, engine and power mechanism of every
motor vehicle shall be so equipped and adjusted as to prevent the escape of excessive fumes or

C. Every registered gasoline-fueled motor vehicle manufactured or assembled, commencing
with the 1968 models
, shall at all times be equipped and maintained in good working order
with the factory-installed devices and equipment or their replacements designed to prevent,
reduce or control exhaust emissions or air pollution.

N. M. S. A. 1978, § 66-3-874. Safety belts required

It is unlawful for any person to buy, sell, lease, trade or transfer from or to New Mexico
residents at retail an automobile, which is manufactured or assembled commencing with the
1964 models
, unless the vehicle is equipped with safety belts installed for use in the left front
and right front seats.

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