From West Virginia Code:
W. Va. Code, § 17C-15-22. Single-beam road-lighting equipment
Head lamps arranged to provide a single distribution of light shall be permitted on motor
vehicles manufactured and sold prior to one year after the effective date of this chapter in
lieu of multiple-beam road-lighting equipment herein specified if the single distribution of light
complies with the following requirements and limitations:
(1) The head lamps shall be so aimed that when the vehicle is not loaded none of the highintensity
portion of the light shall at a distance of twenty-five feet ahead project higher than a
level of five inches below the level of the center of the lamp from which it comes, and in no
case higher than forty-two inches above the level on which the vehicle stands at a distance of
seventy-five feet ahead.
(2) The intensity shall be sufficient to reveal persons and vehicles at a distance of at least two
hundred feet.
W. Va. Code, § 17A-3-12a. Disclosure of odometer information; exceptions; penalties
(a) In accordance with the provisions of sections four hundred eight-a and four hundred eight-e
of the Motor Vehicle Information and Cost Savings Act, Public Law 92-513, the transferor of a
motor vehicle must complete the odometer disclosure form on the certificate of title or a
separate written odometer disclosure statement, before executing any transfer of ownership
document and before a new certificate of title may be issued for a transfer of ownership of a
vehicle. The odometer disclosure form on the certificate of title and the separate written
odometer disclosure statement shall contain the following information:
(1) The odometer reading at the time of transfer (not to include tenths of miles);
(2) The date of transfer;
(3) The transferor's name and current address;
(4) The transferee's name and current address;
(5) The transferor's printed name and signature acknowledging the disclosure;
(6) The identity of the vehicle, including its make, model, year, body type and
identification number;
(7) Certification by the transferor that to the best of his or her knowledge the odometer
reading reflects:
(A) The actual mileage the vehicle has been driven;
(B) The amount of mileage in excess of the designated mechanical odometer
limit; or
(C) A difference from the number of miles the vehicle has actually been driven
and that the difference is greater than that caused by odometer calibration
error, and that the odometer reading is not the actual mileage. This certification
shall state that the odometer reading does not reflect the actual mileage and
should not be relied upon, and shall also include a warning notice to alert the
transferee that a discrepancy exists between the odometer reading and the
actual mileage; and
(8) A warning statement referring to state and federal law and the statement: “That
failure to complete or providing false information may result in fines and/or
Upon issuance of a new title, the division shall mark the new title with an appropriate
brand which reflects certification of the prior owner.
(b) Before executing any transfer of ownership document, the lessor of a leased motor vehicle
must notify a lessee in writing that the lessee is required to provide a written odometer
disclosure statement to the lessor. The odometer disclosure statement shall contain the
following information:
(1) The odometer reading at the time of transfer (not to include tenths of miles);
(2) The date of statement;
(3) The lessee's name and current address;
(4) The lessor's name and current address;
(5) The lessee's printed name and signature acknowledging the disclosure;
(6) The identity of the vehicle, including its make, model, year, body type and
identification number;
(7) The date that the lessor notified the lessee of the disclosure requirements;
(8) The date that the completed disclosure statement was received by the lessor;
(9) The signature of the lessor;
(10) Certification by the lessee that to the best of his or her knowledge the odometer
reading reflects:
(A) The actual mileage the vehicle has been driven;
(B) The amount of mileage in excess of the designated mechanical odometer
limit; or
(C) A difference from the number of miles the vehicle has actually been driven
and that the difference is greater than that caused by odometer calibration
error, and that the odometer reading is not the actual mileage. This certification
shall state that the odometer reading does not reflect the actual mileage and
should not be relied upon; and
(11) A warning statement referring to state and federal law and the statement: “That
failure to complete or providing false information may result in fines and/or
If a lessor transfers the leased vehicle without obtaining possession of it, the lessor may
indicate on the title the mileage disclosed by the lessee, unless the lessor has reason to
believe the disclosure does not state the actual mileage.
(c) Notwithstanding the provisions of this section, the form for odometer disclosure on the
certificate of title or a separate written odometer disclosure statement need not be completed
for any of the following motor vehicles:

(3) A vehicle that is ten years old or older;

(f) Auction companies shall retain for five years following the date of sale of each motor vehicle,
at their primary place of business in an order that is appropriate to business requirements and
that permits systematic retrieval, the following records:
(1) The name of the most recent owner (other than the auction company);
(2) The name of the buyer;
(3) The vehicle identification number; and
(4) The odometer reading on the date the auction company took possession of the
motor vehicle.
(g) A transfer of a motor vehicle which has not been previously titled in this state or which has a
certificate of title issued prior to the first day of January, one thousand nine hundred ninetyone,
must include the execution of the transfer by the owner and the purchaser on a form
prescribed by the commissioner signed by each of the two parties, which form contains
substantially the same information as is required in this section and with the provisions of the
odometer mileage statement form pursuant to the Motor Vehicle Information and Cost Savings
(h) The commissioner shall promulgate rules for the administration of this section in accordance
with chapter twenty-nine-a of this code.
(i) Any person who violates any of the provisions of this section with intent to defraud shall be
guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not less than two hundred
dollars nor more than one thousand dollars, or imprisoned in the county jail for not more than
six months, or both fined and imprisoned.

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