From New Mexico Statues:

N. M. S. A. 1978, § 66-3-5 Application for specially constructed, reconstructed or foreign vehicles

A. In the event the vehicle to be registered is a specially constructed, reconstructed or foreign vehicle, such fact shall be stated in the application and, with reference to every foreign vehicle which has been registered heretofore outside of this state, the owner shall surrender to the division all registration cards and certificates of title, or other evidence of such foreign registration as may be in his possession or under his control, except as provided in Subsection B of this section.

B. Where in the course of interstate operation of a vehicle registered in another state it is desirable to retain registration of said vehicle in such other state, such applicant need not surrender but shall submit for inspection evidence of such foreign registration and the division, upon a proper showing, shall register said vehicle in this state but shall not issue a certificate of title for such vehicle.

N. M. S. A. 1978, § 66-3-109. Dealer's guarantee of title 

A dealer licensed under the Motor Vehicle Code may guarantee the title to a specially constructed or reconstructed vehicle for which no title exists, and may guarantee the title of any vehicle for which the certificate of title cannot be obtained. Such guarantee shall be in the form of an affidavit filed with the division. Upon receipt of such affidavit, together with such other information as the division may require, and upon payment of the proper fees, the division, in its discretion, may issue a certificate of title for the vehicle named in the affidavit.

N. M. S. A. 1978, § 66-3-27. Horseless carriage registration

A. A motor vehicle at least thirty-five years old owned as a collector's item and used solely for exhibition and educational purposes is a “horseless carriage”. On application to the secretary, the owner of the horseless carriage may receive a certificate of title and permanent registration upon:

(1) payment of a fee of ten dollars ($10.00); and

(2) submission of a witnessed bill of sale on the horseless carriage or an affidavit that the vehicle was assembled by the owner from parts of automobiles at least thirty-five years old.

B. Upon approval of the application, the secretary shall issue one five-year registration plate with registration numbers and the words “Horseless Carriage”, “Land of Enchantment” and “New Mexico”. The plate, bearing no date, shall be attached to the rear of the vehicle.

C. Upon transfer of ownership of a horseless carriage, the new owner shall apply to the secretary for a transfer of title as provided in and subject to the penalties contained in Section 66-3-103 NMSA 1978. The registration plates shall remain with the transferred vehicle.

D. Beginning in 1968 and each five-year period thereafter, every plate shall be revalidated upon application approved by the secretary, accompanied by a fee of five dollars ($5.00). Upon loss of the original registration plate, a duplicate plate may be obtained by the owner upon payment of a fee of ten dollars ($10.00).

E. A person who violates this section is guilty of a penalty assessment misdemeanor.

N. M. S. A. 1978, § 66-3-423. Year-of-manufacture license plates; procedures; fees

A. The division may specially register and permit the use of year-of-manufacture license plates on motor vehicles thirty or more years old notwithstanding the provisions of Subsection B of Section 66-3-14 NMSA 1978.

B. The division shall inspect the year-of-manufacture license plate to ensure the plate is in good condition and the number on the plate is not already assigned or in use. To qualify for use, the year-of-manufacture plate shall be an authentic plate issued in New Mexico during the motor vehicle's model year.

C. For a one-time fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.00), which shall be in addition to the regular motor vehicle registration fees, any owner of a motor vehicle that is thirty or more years old may apply to the division to use a year-of-manufacture plate on his vehicle.

D. Upon the sale or transfer of a motor vehicle bearing a year-of-manufacture plate, the plate may remain with the vehicle and be transferred to the new owner upon payment of a ten dollar ($10.00) fee in addition to the regular motor vehicle registration fees.

E. Ten dollars ($10.00) of the fee collected pursuant to Subsection C of this section shall be retained by the department and is appropriated to the department to defray the cost of processing the special year-of-manufacture registration plates.

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