From General Laws of Massachusetts:

M.G.L.A. 90

§ 2H Certificates of registration and number plates for street rods, replica and other custom vehicles; determination of title year and make, model and model year

(a) For purposes of this section, section 2I and section 33, the following words shall, unless the context clearly requires otherwise, have the following meanings:--

"Custom vehicle", a motor vehicle for which the year of manufacture is after 1948, for which the model year is at least 25 years old and that has been altered from the manufacturer's original design or has a body constructed, in whole or in part, from non-original materials.

"Model year", the model year indicated on a motor vehicle's certificate of origin or, if there is no such certificate, the model year the body of such vehicle most closely resembles.

"Replica vehicle", a motor vehicle constructed or assembled by a non-manufacturer from new or used parts that, when assembled, replicates an earlier year, make and model vehicle.

"Specially-constructed vehicle", a motor vehicle reconstructed or assembled by a nonmanufacturer from new or used parts, the exterior of which does not replicate or resemble any other manufactured vehicle.

"Street rod", a motor vehicle for which the year of manufacture is prior to 1949, and which has been altered from the manufacturer's original design or has a body constructed from nonoriginal materials.

(b) The registrar shall issue certificates of registration and number plates for street rods, replica vehicles, specially-constructed vehicles and custom vehicles in accordance with this section. The registrar may assign an appropriate registration plate to a custom vehicle, replica vehicle, specially-constructed vehicle or street rod based upon the vehicle's intended use and the registration requirements under 540 CMR 2.05.

(c) Street rods, replica vehicles, specially-constructed vehicles and custom vehicles shall not be considered antique motor cars and shall not be eligible for registration pursuant to section 6A.

(d) Replica vehicles shall be titled as the year in which the vehicle was built and the make, model and year of the vehicle that is intended to be replicated. A label of "Replica" shall be applied to the title and registration card. Custom vehicles and street rods shall be titled as the year in which the vehicle was built and an appropriate description of the vehicle including make, model and model year; provided, however, that the manufacturer's name shall continue to be used as the make with a label of "street rod" or "custom vehicle" applied to the title and registration card. Specially-constructed vehicles shall be titled and registered showing the make as "specially constructed" and the year the vehicle was built shall be the vehicle model year.

§ 2I. Registration prerequisites for certain custom vehicles; salvage inspection; state-assigned VIN; safety belts; air bags

(a) The registrar, prior to the initial registration of a custom vehicle, replica vehicle, speciallyconstructed vehicle or street rod, may require such vehicle to undergo a salvage-type inspection at a facility to be determined by the registrar to ensure that stolen parts have not been included in the vehicle.

(b) The registrar, prior to the initial registration of a custom vehicle, replica vehicle, speciallyconstructed vehicle or street rod, may require such vehicle to obtain a state-assigned vehicle identification number, unless the registrar is satisfied that there is a clearly visible stateassigned vehicle identification number that was previously assigned by the commonwealth or another state.

(c) The registrar may refuse to register or may revoke the registration of a custom vehicle, replica vehicle, specially constructed vehicle or street rod, originally built by its manufacturer as a model year 1966 or later vehicle, unless such vehicle is equipped with operable safety belts for all passenger positions.

(d) The registrar may refuse to register or may revoke the registration of a custom vehicle, replica vehicle, specially constructed vehicle or street rod if the registrar determines that the original manufacturer had installed an air bag or air bags in the vehicle and the current version of the vehicle does not contain such air bag or air bags.

§ 20B. Exceptions to salvage title requirement

No salvage title need be obtained for: (1) a vehicle owned by the United States unless it is registered in accordance with the provisions of chapter ninety; (2) a vehicle moved solely by animal power; (3) an implement of husbandry; (4) special mobile equipment; (5) trailers; (6) passenger vehicles ten or more years old; or (7) manufactured homes as defined in section thirty-two Q of chapter one hundred and forty.

§ 20D. Reconstruction or restoration of total loss salvage motor vehicle

(a) Any owner who reconstructs or restores a total loss salvage motor vehicle to its operating condition which existed prior to the event which caused a salvage title to issue under this chapter or the laws of another state, or who recovers a total loss salvage motor vehicle if stolen, shall make application to the registrar for a certificate of title and an inspection of the vehicle prior to registration or sale of said vehicle. Each application for title and inspection shall be accompanied by the following:

(1) the outstanding salvage title previously issued for the salvage vehicle;

(2) bills of sale evidencing acquisition of all major component parts used to restore the vehicle, listing the manufacturer's vehicle identification number of the vehicle from which the parts were removed, if such part contained or should contain the manufacturer's vehicle identification number;

(3) the owner shall also provide a sworn affidavit in the form prescribed by the registrar which states that: (i) the identification numbers of the restored vehicle and its parts have not been removed, destroyed, falsified, altered or defaced; (ii) the salvage title document attached to the application has not been forged, falsified, altered or counterfeited; (iii) all information contained on the application and its attachments is true and correct to the knowledge of the owner; and

(4) the required inspection fee.

The vehicle identification number of every vehicle for which an application is submitted shall be inspected by an inspector at a location designated by the registrar. In addition, of the vehicles presented for such inspection, a certain number may be selected for inspection of the vehicle's major component parts which have been repaired or replaced as part of the rebuilding process to determine that the vehicle's parts have not been removed, falsified, altered, defaced, destroyed, or tampered with, and that the vehicle information contained in the application and supporting documents is true and correct. The selection of vehicles to undergo said major component part inspection shall be on a random basis, in accordance with criteria and procedures established by the registrar by regulation, which may be changed from time to time as the registrar deems necessary. The inspector may examine the identification number of each part that has been repaired or replaced as a part of the rebuilding process, in addition to the vehicle identification number, and may compare said numbers to the vehicle identification numbers and identification numbers of parts entered into any state, regional, or national computer network that records the vehicle identification numbers of stolen motor vehicles and the identification numbers of stolen parts. Nothing in this section shall establish a presumption, that a part has been removed, falsified, altered, defaced, destroyed, or tampered with by a person submitting a vehicle for inspection, if such part fails to contain a required identification label. The major component inspection shall not be for the purpose of checking road worthiness or the safety condition of the vehicle. No liability shall be imposed on the registrar or the commonwealth or its agents or employees with respect to any act or omission related to said inspection. A person aggrieved by an adverse report issued under this section by a vehicle inspector, may file a written request for reconsideration of the inspector's report with the registrar, within thirty days of receiving a written copy of said report. The registrar shall assign the request for review to a hearing officer, who shall schedule a hearing to be held within thirty days of the date of the request, at a place of the registrar's choosing. The hearing officer may continue the hearing and may remove said hearing to a more appropriate place if necessary. The hearing officer may affirm or overrule the decision of the inspector. A final decision by the hearing officer shall be rendered within fifteen days of the closing of the final date of hearing.

(b) Upon satisfactory inspection results, and receipt of all required documents and fees, the registrar shall issue a new certificate of title in the name of the owner which shall contain the notation "reconstructed", or if the vehicle was a stolen vehicle which was subsequently recovered in an undamaged condition, said certificate shall contain the notation "recovered theft vehicle".

§ 6A. Number plates for antique motor cars

Notwithstanding any contrary provision of law, number or registration plates of such size and design as may be determined in the discretion of the registrar of motor vehicles shall be issued for antique motor cars.

§ 33. Fees

The registrar or his authorized agents shall collect the fees established herein or if not so established herein, promulgated annually by the commissioner of administration under the provision of section 3B of chapter 7, for the following:--

(13) For the registration of every antique motor car.

(37) For the registration of every street rod, replica vehicle, specially constructed vehicle or custom vehicle, as defined in section 2H consistent with the vehicle's intended use and the requirements of 540 CMR 2.05.

M.G.L.A. 175 § 113U. Antique motor car policies

Insurance companies undertaking to issue motor vehicle liability policies or motor vehicle liability bonds, as defined in section 34A of chapter 90, may issue and deliver policies insuring antique motor cars, as defined in section 1 of said chapter 90. Said antique motor car insurance policies shall be exempt from the provisions of sections 113B and 113H.

M.G.L.A. 90D § 4. Registration under chapter 90; application for certificate of title required

(a) Except for vehicles referred to in section two, whoever acquires a motor vehicle or trailer after the effective date of this chapter, shall be required to make application for a certificate of title. Such application shall be made within ten days from the acquisition of ownership of said vehicle or trailer.

(b) Except for vehicles referred to in section two, no new application for registration pertaining to a motor vehicle or trailer shall be accepted under the provisions of chapter ninety until the owner thereof makes application to the registrar for a certificate of title of the vehicle.

§ 20F. Reassembly of motor vehicles from other motor vehicles; application for title and inspection

(a) Any person, including a person licensed under section fifty-nine of chapter one hundred and forty, who reassembles a motor vehicle by means of welding together or connecting the frames or unit bodies of two or more motor vehicles, which are not total loss salvage vehicles, shall make application to the registrar for a certificate of title and an inspection of the motor vehicle prior to registration or sale of said vehicle. Each application for title and inspection shall be accompanied by the following:

(1) the outstanding certificate of title;

(2) an affidavit signed by the owner in the form prescribed by the registrar which includes the following information: (i) the identification numbers of each motor vehicle used to reassemble or connect the motor vehicle; (ii) bills of sale evidencing acquisition of all major component parts used to rebuild the vehicle with the corresponding identification numbers of the vehicles from which parts were removed if such a part contains or should contain the manufacturer's vehicle identification number; (iii) a description of the location of the point of connection or weld joint of the two or more vehicle frames; and

(3) the required inspection fee.

The inspection shall include an examination of the vehicle and its major component parts to determine that the vehicle information contained in the application and supporting documents is true and correct, and that there is no indication that the vehicle or any of its parts are stolen. Said inspection shall be conducted by a person appointed under the provisions of section twenty-nine of chapter ninety. Such inspection shall not be for the purpose of checking road worthiness or the safety condition of the vehicle. No liability shall be imposed upon the registrar of motor vehicles or upon the commonwealth or its agents or employees which may result from, or be connected with, any act or omission relative to said inspection.

(b) Upon satisfactory inspection results and receipt of all required documents and fees, the registrar shall issue a new certificate of title which shall contain the notation "reconstructed".

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