From Oklahoma Administrative Code:

Okla. Admin. Code 710:60-5-59 Remanufactured vehicle titles

Remanufactured vehicle titles are issued for vehicles assembled by licensed vehicle remanufacturers, utilizing a new body along with original, reconditioned, or remanufactured parts, but which are not salvage, rebuilt, or junked vehicles.

From Oklahoma Statutes:

21 Okl.St.Ann. § 917. Motor vehicle defined--Antique, classic, or special interest automobile defined

A. The term "motor vehicle" as used in this act1 shall mean every vehicle intended primarily for use and operation on the public highways, which is self-propelled; and every vehicle intended primarily for operation on the public highways which is not driven or propelled by its own power, but which is designed either to be attached to or become a part of a self-propelled vehicle; but not including farm tractors and other machines and tools used in the production, harvesting and care of farm products.

B. The term "antique, classic, or special interest automobile" as used in Section 918 of this title shall mean a motor vehicle which only travels on the highways of this state primarily for historical or exhibition purposes.

47 Okl.St.Ann. § 1-101.1. Ancient vehicle

Ancient vehicle.

A motor vehicle owned by a resident of this state, which is thirty (30) years of age or older, based upon the date of manufacture thereof, and which travels on highways of this state primarily incidental to historical or exhibition purposes only.

47 Okl.St.Ann. § 1105. Definitions--Certificate of title--Application--Evidence of ownership and compliance with federal law--Liens and encumbrances--Fees--Notice of nonuse or theft

A. As used in the Oklahoma Vehicle License and Registration Act:

1. "Salvage vehicle" means any vehicle which is within the last ten (10) model years and which has been damaged by collision or other occurrence to the extent that the cost of repairing the vehicle for safe operation on the highway exceeds sixty percent (60%) of its fair market value, as defined by Section 1111 of this title, immediately prior to the damage. For purposes of this section, actual repair costs shall only include labor and parts for actual damage to the suspension, motor, transmission, frame or unibody and designated structural components;

2. "Rebuilt vehicle" means any salvage vehicle which has been rebuilt and inspected for the purpose of registration and title;

3. "Flood-damaged vehicle" means a salvage or rebuilt vehicle which was damaged by flooding or a vehicle which was submerged at a level to or above the dashboard of the vehicle and on which an amount of loss was paid by the insurer;

4. "Unrecovered-theft vehicle" means a vehicle which has been stolen and not yet recovered;

5. "Recovered-theft vehicle" means a vehicle, including a salvage or rebuilt vehicle, which was recovered from a theft; and

6. "Junked vehicle" means any vehicle which is incapable of operation or use on the highway, has no resale value except as a source of parts or scrap and has an eighty percent (80%) loss in fair market value.

B. The owner of every vehicle in this state shall possess a certificate of title as proof of ownership of such vehicle, except those vehicles registered pursuant to Section 1120 of this title and trailers registered pursuant to Section 1133 of this title, previously titled by anyone in another state and engaged in interstate commerce, and except as provided in subsection M of this section. Except for owners that possess an agricultural exemption permit pursuant to Section 1358.1 of Title 68 of the Oklahoma Statutes, the owner of an all-terrain vehicle or a motorcycle used exclusively off roads or highways in this state which is purchased or the ownership of which is transferred on or after July 1, 2005, and the owner of a utility vehicle used exclusively off roads and highways in this state which is purchased or the ownership of which is transferred on or after July 1, 2008, shall possess a certificate of title as proof of ownership. Any person possessing an agricultural exemption permit and owning an all-terrain vehicle or a motorcycle used exclusively off roads or highways in this state which is purchased or the ownership of which is transferred on or after July 1, 2008, shall possess a certificate of title as proof of ownership. Upon receipt of proper application information by such owner, the Oklahoma Tax Commission shall issue an original or transfer certificate of title. Until July 1, 2008, any security interest in an all-terrain vehicle that attached and was perfected before July 1, 2005, and that has not otherwise terminated shall remain perfected, and shall take priority over any subsequently perfected security interest in the same all-terrain vehicle, notwithstanding that a certificate of title may have been issued with respect to the same all- terrain vehicle on or after July 1, 2005, and that a lien may have been recorded on said certificate of title. There shall be eight types of certificates of title:

1. Original title for any motor vehicle which is not a remanufactured, salvage, unrecovered- theft, rebuilt, rebodied or junked vehicle;

2. Salvage title for any motor vehicle which is a salvage vehicle or is specified as a salvage vehicle or the equivalent thereof on a certificate of title from another state;

3. Rebuilt title for any motor vehicle which is a rebuilt vehicle;

4. Junked title for any motor vehicle which is a junked vehicle or is specified as a junked vehicle or the equivalent thereof on a certificate of title from another state;

5. Classic title for any motor vehicle, except a junked vehicle, which is twenty-five (25) model years or older;

6. Remanufactured title for any vehicle which is a remanufactured vehicle;

7. Unrecovered-theft title for any motor vehicle which has been stolen and not recovered; and

8. Rebodied title for any motor vehicle which is a rebodied vehicle.

Application for a certificate of title, whether the initial certificate of title or a duplicate, may be made to the Tax Commission or any motor license agent. When application is made with a motor license agent, the application information shall be transmitted either electronically or by mail to the Tax Commission by the motor license agent. If the application information is transmitted electronically, the motor license agent shall forward the required application along with evidence of ownership, where required, by mail. Where the transmission of application information cannot be performed electronically, the Tax Commission is authorized to provide postage paid envelopes to motor license agents for the purpose of mailing the application along with evidence of ownership, where required. The Tax Commission shall upon receipt of proper application information issue an Oklahoma certificate of title. The certificates may be mailed to the applicant. Upon issuance of a certificate of title, the Tax Commission shall provide the appropriate motor license agent with confirmation of such issuance.

C. 1. The application for certificate of title shall be upon a blank form furnished by the Tax Commission, containing:

a. a full description of the vehicle,

b. the manufacturer's serial or other identification number,

c. the motor number and the date on which first sold by the manufacturer or dealer to the owner,

d. any distinguishing marks,

e. a statement of the applicant's source of title,

f. any security interest upon the vehicle, and

g. such other information as the Tax Commission may require.

2. The application for a certificate of title for a vehicle which is within the last seven (7) model years shall require a declaration as to whether the vehicle has been damaged by collision or other occurrence and whether the vehicle has been recovered from theft and the extent of the damage to the vehicle. The declaration shall be made by the owner of a vehicle if:

a. the vehicle has been damaged or stolen,

b. the owner did or did not receive any payment for the loss from an insurer, or

c. the vehicle is titled or registered in a state that does not classify the vehicle or brand the title because of damage to or loss of the vehicle similar to the classifications or brands utilized by this state.

The declaration shall be based upon the best information and knowledge of the owner and shall be in addition to the requirements specified in paragraph 1 of this subsection. The Tax Commission shall not issue a certificate of title for a vehicle which is subject to the provisions of this paragraph without the required declaration, completed and signed by the owner of the vehicle. Upon receipt of an application without the properly completed declaration, the Tax Commission shall return the application to the applicant with notice that the title may not be issued without the required declaration. Nothing in this paragraph shall prohibit the Tax Commission from recognizing the type of or brand on a title or other ownership document issued by another state or the inspection conducted in another state and issuing the appropriate certificate of title for the vehicle.

3. The certificate of title shall have the following security features:

a. intaglio printing or security thread, with or without watermark,

b. latent images,

c. fluorescent inks,

d. micro print,

e. void background, and

f. color coding.

4. Each title issued pursuant to the provisions of the Oklahoma Vehicle License and Registration Act shall be color coded as determined by the Tax Commission.

5. The certificate of title shall be of such size and design and color as the Tax Commission may direct pursuant to the provisions of this section. The title shall be on colored paper or other material as designated by the Tax Commission and be of such intensity or hue as will allow easy identification as to whether the title is an original title, a salvage title, a rebuilt title, remanufactured title, rebodied title or a junked title. The type of title shall be identified on the front of the certificate of title. The original title, rebuilt title, remanufactured title, an unrecovered-theft title, rebodied title or classic title shall be identified by the word "Original", "Rebuilt", "Remanufactured", "Unrecovered Theft", "Rebodied" or "Classic" printed in the upper right quadrant of the certificate of title, in the space which is currently captioned "type of title". A rebodied title shall also identify on the front of the title the year, make and model of the originally manufactured vehicle which has been rebodied and display a notation that reads as follows: "This vehicle has been assembled with new major components licensed by the original manufacturer".

D. 1. To obtain an original certificate of title for a vehicle that is being registered for the first time in this state which has not been previously registered in any other state, the applicant shall be required to deliver, as evidence of ownership, a manufacturer's certificate of origin properly assigned by the manufacturer, distributor, or dealer licensed in this or any other state shown thereon to be the last transferee to the applicant upon a form to be prescribed and approved by the Tax Commission. A manufacturer's certificate of origin shall contain:

a. the manufacturer's serial or other identification number,

b. date on which first sold by the manufacturer to the dealer,

c. any distinguishing marks including model and the year same was made,

d. a statement of any security interests upon the vehicle, and

e. such other information as the Tax Commission may require.

2. The manufacturer's certificate of origin shall have the following security features:

a. intaglio printing or security thread, with or without watermark,

b. latent images,

c. fluorescent inks,

d. micro print, and

e. void background.

E. In the absence of a dealer's or manufacturer's number, the Tax Commission may assign such identifying number to the vehicle, which shall be permanently stamped, burned or pressed or attached into the vehicle, and a certificate of title shall be delivered to the applicant upon payment of all fees and taxes, and the remaining copies shall be permanently filed and indexed by the Tax Commission. The Tax Commission shall assign an identifying number to any rebuilt vehicle if the vehicle identification number displayed on the rebuilt vehicle does not accurately describe the vehicle as rebuilt. The motor license agent, at the time of inspection of the rebuilt vehicle pursuant to Section 1111 of this title, shall identify the make, model, and year for the body to accurately describe the rebuilt vehicle. At the time of the inspection, an appropriate identifying number shall be permanently stamped, burned, pressed, or attached on the rebuilt vehicle. The assigned identifying number shall be recorded on the certificate of title for the rebuilt vehicle. The dealer's or manufacturer's vehicle identification number on the rebuilt vehicle shall be preserved in the computer files of the Tax Commission for at least five (5) years.

F. When registering for the first time in this state a vehicle which was not originally manufactured for sale in the United States, to obtain a certificate of title, the Tax Commission shall require the applicant to deliver:

1. As evidence of ownership, if the vehicle has not previously been titled in the United States, the documents constituting valid proof of ownership in the country in which the vehicle was originally purchased, together with a notarized translation of any such documents; and

2. As evidence of compliance with federal law, copies of the bond release letters for the vehicle issued by the United States Environmental Protection Agency and the United States Department of Transportation, together with a receipt issued by the Internal Revenue Service indicating that the applicable federal gas guzzler tax has been paid.

The Tax Commission shall not issue a certificate of title for a vehicle which is subject to the provisions of this paragraph without the required documentation from agencies of the United States and evidence of ownership. Upon receipt of an application without the required documentation, the Tax Commission shall return the application to the applicant with notice that the certificate of title may not be issued without the required documentation. Nothing in this paragraph shall prohibit the Tax Commission from issuing certificates of title for antique or classic vehicles not driven upon the public streets, roads, or highways, for mini-trucks registered pursuant to Section 1151.3 of this title, or for medium-speed electric vehicles.

47 Okl.St.Ann. § 1135.1. Special license plates--Political subdivisions--Tax exemption or nonprofit--Physical disability--Indian tribe--Hearing impaired--Antique vehicles--Honorary consul

6. Antique or Classic Vehicles License Plates--such plates shall be designed and issued for any vehicle twenty-five (25) years of age or older, based upon the date of manufacture thereof and which travels on the highways of this state primarily incidental to historical or exhibition purposes only.

The registration fee shall be Eight Dollars ($8.00) and shall be in addition to all other registration fees provided by law, except the registration fees levied by Section 1132 of this title. Any person registering an antique or classic vehicle may elect to have the vehicle registered for a ten-year period. The registration fee for the elected ten-year registration shall be Seventy-five Dollars ($75.00). The motor license agent registering the antique or classic vehicle for a ten-year period shall receive one hundred percent (100%) of the fees the motor license agent would have otherwise received pursuant to subsection A of Section 1141.1 of this title if the antique or classic vehicle had been registered on an annual basis

47 Okl.St.Ann. § 1112.1A. Registration of vintage vehicles

A. As used in this section "vintage vehicle" means a passenger automobile or truck having no more than two axles and for which no Oklahoma certificate of title exists in the records of the Oklahoma Tax Commission prior to January 1, 1980, and which has not been registered in the records of the Oklahoma Tax Commission or any other state for a period of fifteen (15) or more years prior to the date as of which the application for the certificate of title is made.

B. A person or other legal entity may register a vintage vehicle and obtain an Oklahoma certificate of title for the vehicle upon payment of a fee of Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($250.00) and providing a verified statement, under oath, submitted to the Oklahoma Tax Commission with the following information:

1. The name of the person or other legal entity to which the certificate of title will be issued;

2. The personal or business address at which the vehicle will be located when not in use on the roads and highways of the state;

3. The manufacturer of the vehicle whether or not the manufacturer is still conducting business;

4. The model of the vehicle using either the designation provided by the original manufacturer or an equivalent designation;

5. The Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) if the vehicle had a VIN at the time of its original manufacture;

6. The price at which the vintage vehicle was acquired by the person or other legal entity making application for a vintage vehicle title; and

7. A statement that the vehicle is not currently subject to the lien of any person or other legal entity for the purchase price of the vehicle, for expenses associated with repair or refurbishment of the vehicle, storage charges or any other purpose.

C. The fee prescribed by subsection B of this section shall be nonrefundable even if the Oklahoma Tax Commission denies the issuance of a certificate of title for the vintage vehicle for any reason.

D. Upon review of the information contained in the application for a certificate of title, the Oklahoma Tax Commission shall determine whether or not the title may be issued.

E. If a vintage vehicle certificate of title is issued, the person or other legal entity making application shall make payment of the motor vehicle excise tax required by Section 2103 of Title 68 of the Oklahoma Statutes and the applicable rate of sales tax imposed pursuant to Section 1354 of Title 68 of the Oklahoma Statutes.

F. Once a certificate of title has been issued for a vintage vehicle as provided by this section, the vehicle shall be subject to the annual registration requirements in the same manner and subject to the same fees as provided by law for other motor vehicles.

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