From West Virginia Code:

W. Va. Code, § 17A-3-5. Application for specially constructed, reconstructed or foreign vehicles or new vehicles purchased outside this State

(a) In the event the vehicle to be registered is specially constructed, reconstructed, or a foreign vehicle, such fact shall be stated in the application and with reference to every foreign vehicle which has been registered heretofore outside of this State the owner shall surrender to the department all registration plates, registration cards, and certificates of title or other evidence of such foreign registration as may be in his possession or under his control except as provided in subsection (b) hereof.

(b) Where in the course of interstate operation of a vehicle registered in another state it is desirable to retain registration of said vehicle in such other state, such applicant need not surrender but shall submit for inspection said evidences of such foreign registration and the department upon a proper showing shall register said vehicle in this State but shall not issue a certificate of title for such vehicle.

(c) In the event application for registration and certificate of title is made for a new vehicle purchased from a dealer outside this State, a certificate of title shall not be issued for such vehicle nor shall such vehicle be registered by the department unless and until such application shall be accompanied by a certificate of title or a manufacturer's certificate of origin, or if the state of purchase does not require a certificate of title such application shall be accompanied by a manufacturer's certificate of origin, accompanied by evidence that such seller is a bona fide dealer of the state in which such vehicle was purchased.

W. Va. Code, § 17A-3-14. Registration plates generally; description of plates; issuance of special numbers and plates; registration fees; special application fees; exemptions; commissioner to promulgate forms; suspension and nonrenewal

(a) The division, upon registering a vehicle, shall issue to the owner one registration plate for a motorcycle, trailer, semitrailer, or other motor vehicle.

(b) Registration plates issued by the division shall meet the following requirements:

(1) Every registration plate shall be of reflectorized material and have displayed upon it the registration number assigned to the vehicle for which it is issued; the name of this state, which may be abbreviated; and the year number for which it is issued or the date of expiration of the plate.

(2) Every registration plate and the required letters and numerals on the plate shall be of sufficient size to be plainly readable from a distance of 100 feet during daylight: Provided, That the requirements of this subdivision shall not apply to the year number for which the plate is issued or the date of expiration.

(3) Registration numbering for registration plates shall begin with number two.

(c) The division may not issue, permit to be issued, or distribute any special registration plates except as follows:

(17) Upon appropriate application, the commissioner shall issue to a classic motor vehicle or classic motorcycle, as defined in § 17A–10–3a of this code, a special registration plate designed by the commissioner. An annual fee of $15, in addition to all other fees required by this chapter, shall be charged for each classic registration plate.

(f) The division may issue special 10-year registration plates as follows:

(1) The commissioner may issue or renew for a period of no more than 10 years any registration plate exempted from registration fees pursuant to any provision of this code or any restricted use antique motor vehicle license plate authorized by § 17A–10– 3a of this code: Provided, That the provisions of this subsection do not apply to any person who has had a special registration suspended for failure to maintain motor vehicle liability insurance as required by § 17D–2A–3 of this code or failure to pay personal property taxes as required by § 17A–3–3a of this code.

W. Va. Code, § 17A-10-3a. Special registration of antique motor vehicles and motorcycles; definition, registration, and use of classic motor vehicles and classic motorcycles; customized antique plates

(a) The annual registration fee for any antique motor vehicle or motorcycle as defined in this section is $2. As used in this section:

"Antique motor vehicle" means any motor vehicle which is more than 25 years old and is owned solely as a collector's item.

"Antique motorcycle" means any motorcycle which is more than 25 years old and is owned solely as a collector's item.

"Classic motor vehicle" means a motor vehicle which is more than 25 years old and is registered pursuant to § 17A-10-3 of this code and is used for general transportation.

"Classic motorcycle" means a motorcycle which is more than 25 years old and is registered pursuant to § 17A-10-3 of this code and is used for general transportation.

(b) Except as otherwise provided in this section, antique motor vehicles or motorcycles may not be used for general transportation but may only be used for:

(1) Participation in club activities, exhibits, tours, parades, and similar events;

(2) The purpose of testing their operation, obtaining repairs or maintenance, and transportation to and from events as described in § 17A-10-3a(b)(1) of this code; and

(3) Recreational purposes over weekends, beginning on Friday at 12:00 p.m., and ending on the following Monday at 12:00 p.m., and on holidays: Provided, That a classic motor vehicle or a classic motorcycle as defined in this section may be registered under the applicable class at the applicable registration fee set forth in § 17A-10-3 of this code and may be used for general transportation.

(c) A West Virginia motor vehicle or motorcycle displaying license plates of the same year of issue as the model year of the antique motor vehicle or motorcycle, as authorized in this section, may be used for general transportation purposes if the following conditions are met:

(1) The license plate's physical condition has been inspected and approved by the Division of Motor Vehicles;

(2) The license plate is registered to the specific motor vehicle or motorcycle by the Division of Motor Vehicles;

(3) The owner of the motor vehicle or motorcycle annually registers the motor vehicle or motorcycle and pays an annual registration fee for the motor vehicle or motorcycle equal to that charged to obtain regular state license plates;

(4) The motor vehicle or motorcycle passes an annual safety inspection; and

(5) The motor vehicle or motorcycle displays a sticker attached to the license plate, issued by the division, indicating that the motor vehicle or motorcycle may be used for general transportation.

(d) If more than one request is made for license plates having the same number, the division shall accept only the first application.

(e) The commissioner may propose rules for legislative approval in accordance with the provisions of § 29A-3-1 et seq. of this code as may be necessary or convenient for the carrying out of the provisions of this section.

(f) Upon appropriate application, together with a special annual fee of $40, which is in addition to all other fees required by this chapter, there shall be issued to the owner of an antique motor vehicle a special registration plate for an antique motor vehicle titled in the name of the qualified applicant, bearing a combination of letters or numbers requested by that applicant, subject to the approval by the commissioner, and with the maximum number of letters or numbers to be determined by the commissioner.

W. Va. Code, § 17D-2A-3. Required security; exceptions

(a) Every owner or registrant of a motor vehicle required to be registered and licensed in this state shall maintain security as hereinafter provided in effect continuously throughout the registration or licensing period except in case of a periodic use or seasonal vehicle, in which case the owner or registrant is required to maintain security upon the vehicle only for the portion of the year the vehicle is in actual use. As used in this section, a periodic use or seasonal vehicle means a recreational vehicle, antique motor vehicle, motorcycle or other motor vehicle which is stored part of the year and used seasonally.

(b) The owner or registrant shall immediately surrender the registration plate to the Division of Motor Vehicles when he or she drops the required security during the registration period. An owner of a periodic use or seasonal vehicle may retain a registration plate subject to legislative rules promulgated by the commissioner.

(c) Every nonresident owner or registrant of a motor vehicle, which is operated upon any road or highway of this state and which has been physically present within this state for more than thirty days during the preceding three hundred sixty-five days shall thereafter maintain security as hereinafter provided in effect continuously throughout the period the motor vehicle remains within this state.

(d) No person may knowingly drive or operate upon any road or highway any motor vehicle upon which security is required by the provisions of this article unless the required security is in effect.

(e) The security shall be provided by one of the following methods:

(1) By an insurance policy delivered or issued for the delivery in this state by an insurance company authorized to issue vehicle liability and property insurance policies in this state within limits which may not be less than the requirements of section two, article four of this chapter; or

(2) By qualification as a self-insurer under the provisions of section two, article six of this chapter.

(f) This article does not apply to any motor vehicle owned by the state or by a political subdivision of this state, nor to any motor vehicle owned by the federal government.

W. Va. Code, § 17-24A-6a Title to abandoned antique motor vehicle; special procedure; notice to owner; fees; criminal penalties

(a) Application for Title to Abandoned Antique Motor Vehicle. --

(1) A person may apply to the division for ownership and title to an abandoned antique motor vehicle if that person:

(A) Is the owner of private property on which the vehicle is located; or

(B) Has obtained a valid Vehicle Removal Certificate from the division.

(2) The application shall include the following:

(A) The name, address and other contact information of the applicant;

(B) The year, make, model, Vehicle Identification Number and any other identifying marks on the vehicle: Provided, That if there is no Vehicle Identification Number, the applicant shall provide all information available or reasonably ascertainable to identify the year, make and model of the vehicle; and

(C) Any other information required by the division.

(3) Upon application for title to an abandoned antique motor vehicle, the applicant shall pay a fee of $100 to the division.

(b) Vehicle Removal Certificate. -- In a manner prescribed by the division, a person may apply for a Vehicle Removal Certificate at no fee, by presenting records sufficient to demonstrate to a reasonable degree of certainty that the owner of the private property on which an abandoned antique motor vehicle is located has given the applicant written permission to remove the vehicle from the private property.

(c) Search for Owner and Lienholders; Notice. --

(1) Upon receipt of an application for title to an abandoned antique motor vehicle, the division shall initiate a search for the last owner of the vehicle and any lienholders of record of the vehicle, using the year, make, model, Vehicle Identification Number and any other identifying marks on the vehicle, and, if there is no Vehicle Identification Number, the information provided on the application related to the year, make and model of the motor vehicle that was available to the applicant. The division shall, at a minimum, search:

(A) Its own records;

(B) The records of a nationally recognized crime database; and

(C) Records of a nationally recognized motor vehicle title database for owner information.

(2) If, in the course of a search, the division discovers that the vehicle has been reported as stolen, the division shall notify the appropriate law-enforcement agency of that fact.

(3) If the division determines the identity and address of the owner and any lienholder, the division shall, by certified mail with return receipt requested, notify the owner and any lienholder of the application for title to the vehicle and the contact information for the owner of the property on which the vehicle is located. Such notice, when sent in accordance with these requirements, shall be sufficient regardless of whether or not it was ever received. The owner or lienholder will then have the following options, which shall be detailed in the division's letter of notice:

(A) Pay a $100 fee to the division, $50 of which shall be awarded to the applicant, and reclaim and remove the vehicle from private property within 30 days of the date of receiving notice at a time and in a manner arranged with the owner of the private property; or

(B) Waives all right, title, and interest in the motor vehicle, and the right, title, and interest in the vehicle shall be transferred to the applicant, free of all liens and encumbrances.

(4) If the division performs a search pursuant to this subsection and the identity and address of the owner cannot be determined with reasonable certainty, the division shall immediately transfer all right, title, and interest in the vehicle to the applicant, free and clear of all liens and encumbrances.

(d) Rules and Forms. --

(1) The division shall promulgate rules necessary to carry out this section, and shall create the following forms:

(A) A form to apply for the title to an abandoned antique vehicle, which shall require an applicant to provide the following information:

(i) The applicant's legal name and contact information;

(ii) The Vehicle Identification Number: Provided, That if the vehicle does not have a Vehicle Identification Number, the applicant shall follow the procedure set forth in subdivisions (2) and (3) of this subsection;

(iii) The year, make and model of the vehicle;

(iv) The current location of the vehicle; and

(v) The current contact information for the owner of the private property on which the vehicle is located.

(B) A Vehicle Removal Certificate, which shall be issued to a person who presents the records required by subsection (b) of this section and shall require the following information:

(i) The applicant's legal name and contact information;

(ii) The Vehicle Identification Number: Provided, That if the vehicle does not have a Vehicle Identification Number, the applicant shall follow the procedure set forth in subdivisions (2) and (3) of this subsection;

(iii) The year, make and model of the vehicle;

(iv) The current location of the vehicle; and

(v) The current contact information for the owner of the private property on which the vehicle is located.

(2) If an applicant or person requesting a Vehicle Removal Certificate cannot, after reasonable efforts, determine the Vehicle Identification Number of the vehicle, the person may pay a $100 fee to the West Virginia State Police to inspect the vehicle, determine, in the sole discretion of the division, the year, make and model of the motor vehicle using all information available or reasonably ascertainable and assign the motor vehicle a new Vehicle Identification Number.

(3) If the West Virginia State Police cannot locate a Vehicle Identification Number on an abandoned antique vehicle, the West Virginia State Police shall verify in writing that the vehicle has no Vehicle Identification Number. The applicant may then present the written verification to the division, which shall then issue a new Vehicle Identification Number for the vehicle pursuant to section twenty, article three, chapter seventeen-a of this code.

(e) Obstruction of removal of vehicle from private property prohibited. -- No person shall knowingly interfere with a person who has acquired title to an antique motor vehicle and is reclaiming and removing a vehicle from private property pursuant to the procedures set forth in this section. Any person violating this subsection is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined $500.

W. Va. Code, § 17A-4-10

§ 17A-4-10. Salvage certificates for certain wrecked or damaged vehicles; fee; penalty Currentness

(h) If the motor vehicle is a "reconstructed vehicle" as defined in this section or section one, article one of this chapter, it may not be titled or registered for operation until it has been inspected by an official state inspection station and by the Division of Motor Vehicles. Following an approved inspection, an application for a new certificate of title may be submitted to the division. The applicant is required to retain all receipts for component parts, equipment and materials used in the reconstruction. The salvage certificate shall also be surrendered to the division before a certificate of title may be issued with the appropriate brand.

(i) The owner or title holder of a motor vehicle titled in this state which has previously been branded in this state or another state as salvage, reconstructed, cosmetic total loss, cosmetic total loss salvage, flood, fire, an equivalent term under another state's laws or a term consistent with the intent of the National Motor Vehicle Title Information System established pursuant to 49 U. S. C. § 30502 shall, upon becoming aware of the brand, apply for and receive a title from the Division of Motor Vehicles on which the brand "reconstructed", "salvage", "cosmetic total loss", "cosmetic total loss salvage", "flood", "fire" or other brand is shown. The division shall charge a fee of $10 for each title so issued. The Division of Motor Vehicles may adjust the fee for each reconstructed, salvage, cosmetic total loss, cosmetic total loss salvage, flood, fire or other brand title issued every five years on September 1, based on the U. S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics most current Consumer Price Index: Provided, That an increase in such fee may not exceed ten percent of the total fee amount in a single year.

(j) If application is made for title to a motor vehicle, the title to which has previously been branded reconstructed, salvage, cosmetic total loss, cosmetic total loss salvage, flood, fire or other brand by the Division of Motor Vehicles under this section and said application is accompanied by a title from another state which does not carry the brand, the division shall, before issuing the title, affix the brand "reconstructed", "cosmetic total loss", "cosmetic total loss salvage", "flood", "fire" or other brand to the title. The motor vehicle sales tax paid on a motor vehicle titled as reconstructed, cosmetic total loss, flood, fire or other brand under the provisions of this section shall be based on fifty percent of the fair market value of the vehicle as determined by a nationally accepted used car value guide to be used by the commissioner.

(k) The division shall charge a fee of $22.50 for the issuance of each salvage certificate or cosmetic total loss salvage certificate but shall not require the payment of the five percent motor vehicle sales tax. The Division of Motor Vehicles may adjust the fee for each salvage certificate or cosmetic total loss salvage certificate every five years on September 1, based on the U. S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics most current Consumer Price Index: Provided, That an increase in such fee may not exceed ten percent of the total fee amount in a single year. However, upon application for a certificate of title for a reconstructed, cosmetic total loss, flood or fire damaged vehicle or other brand, the division shall collect the five percent privilege tax on the fair market value of the vehicle as determined by the commissioner unless the applicant is otherwise exempt from the payment of such privilege tax. A wrecker/dismantler/rebuilder, licensed by the division, is exempt from the payment of the five percent privilege tax upon titling a reconstructed vehicle. The division shall collect a fee of $35 per vehicle for inspections of reconstructed vehicles. These fees shall be deposited in a special fund created in the State Treasurer's office and may be expended by the division to carry out the provisions of this article: Provided, That on and after July 1, 2007, any balance in the special fund and all fees collected pursuant to this section shall be deposited in the State Road Fund. Licensed wreckers/dismantlers/rebuilders may charge a fee not to exceed $25 for all vehicles owned by private rebuilders which are inspected at the place of business of a wrecker/dismantler/rebuilder.

(l) As used in this section:

(1) "Reconstructed vehicle" means the vehicle was totaled under the provisions of this section or by the provisions of another state or jurisdiction and has been rebuilt in accordance with the provisions of this section or in accordance with the provisions of another state or jurisdiction or meets the provisions of subsection (n), section one, article one of this chapter.

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