

YOUR VOICE, YOUR CHOICE: Our Nation's Leadership is Counting on You to Register to Vote!

Campaign season has taken on a unique look this year. Not even the presidential election has been able to escape the winds of change. As the nation copes, those running for public office have been forced to connect with voters remotely by holding virtual events instead of traditional in-person appearances. What began with more than a dozen candidates has been narrowed to two: incumbent President Donald Trump, the Republican, and former Vice President Joe Biden, the Democratic Party's presumptive nominee. Not only will Americans choose the nation's next president, but voters will also elect all 435 members of the U.S. House, 35 U.S. senators, 13 governors and thousands of state and local leaders too. With the finish line on the horizon, there is no better time to prepare for and fulfill our civic duty as Americans.




Election day will be here quickly. Regardless of circumstances impacting the polls on November 3, options are available to vote early or by absentee ballot. The Voter Information tool at semaSAN.com/SEMAvotes provides you with information on your state's voting dates and deadlines. In advance, find out if your state and federal representatives are affiliated with the hobby-friendly, SAN-supported caucuses at semaSAN.com/StateCaucus and semaSAN.com/FederalCaucus. Locate your elected officials under the "Legislators" tab at semaSAN.com.

Why wait? Take action today by planning to vote! On behalf of our beloved hobby, take part in our democracy and make your voice heard in November's election.


Dear SEMA Action Network (SAN):
Recent world events have impacted us all.  Rest assured, the SAN will continue to be the voice of auto enthusiasts in state capitols and Washington, DC.  With your help, we’ve already achieved several triumphs this year—thank you! Meantime, SEMA is working to safeguard our hobby so we can continue to pursue our passion.  For updates, news and resources, please visit SEMA.org/coronavirus
Ignited We Stand!

Colby Martin
SAN Director

Legislative Alerts

SEMA SAN Strike Force

Covid-19 Classic Car Cruise

When not writing his legislators in the Empire State, Kevin Todd enjoys participating in vehicle-related events along with most fellow SEMA Action Network (SAN) members. In light of the current challenge, his automotive community has been in search of their own creative way to combat the difficult time like so many others. “Upstate and down-state New York have been impacted differently but the situation has still interrupted our area’s spring swap meets, shows, dirt and paved circle tracks as well as our local drag strip, Empire Dragway,” he says.

Kevin and other locals in Rochester recently assembled for the “Covid19 Classic Car Cruise 2020” to thank health care workers for their important roles. A variety of vintage and specialty cars and trucks met at an empty mall parking lot with driving directions in-hand to greet several hospitals. Social distancing practices prevented participants from leaving their rides at each of the hospital stops.

Organizers originally thought the event would draw 150-200 participants—surprisingly, more than 400 showed up for the morning drive. “The group grew and grew, ultimately surpassed the totals anyone had originally hoped for,” explains Kevin. In fact, the high number of participants required a route change from the schedule. This photo offers only a portion of the final gathering. He says that credit for the turnout is owed to the proprietors of B&C Restorations and Bitchen Customs, Billy and Tricia. “They organized the plan, sent out the word and it got around fast. I can only thank them both for their foresight and generosity by planning such an awesome event—it was an extraordinary day all around.”

The next cruise is scheduled for Saturday, June 6th—find out more information on the organizer’s website.