Hawaii Introduces Bill to Set Noise Emission Levels


DON’T DELAY!  Please Voice Your Opposition for H.B. 1728 immediately from Hawaii House Transportation Committee (Full List Below) by emailing now:

You may use the following points in your message:

  • H.B. 1728 fails to recognize that the U.S. EPA has no noise emissions standards for passenger cars and trucks, only motorcycles  
  • H.B. 1728 provides no test by which vehicles would be tested.  Many states have established noise limits for modified exhaust systems, for example, based on an easy to administer objective test standard (SAE J1169) to a fair noise limit of 95-decibels.     

Overview:  Legislation (H.B. 1728) to allow the state director of transportation to adopt regulations to establish permissible noise emission levels for motor vehicles in accordance with approved U.S. EPA standards has been introduced.  The bill will be considered by the House Transportation Committee. 



Hawaii House Transportation Committee 

Representative Henry Aquino (D)     
Email: repaquino@capitol.hawaii.gov                       

Representative Andria Tupola (R)     
Email: reptupola@Capitol.hawaii.gov           

Representative Matthew LoPresti (D)           
Email: replopresti@Capitol.hawaii.gov                     

Representative Sharon Har (D)          
Email: rephar@capitol.hawaii.gov     

Representative Linda Ichiyama (D)   
Email: repichiyama@capitol.hawaii.gov        

Representative Aaron Johanson (D)  
Email: repjohanson@capitol.hawaii.gov        

Representative Jarrett Keohokalole (D)         
Email: repkeohokalole@Capitol.hawaii.gov

Representative Mark Nakashima (D) 
Email: repnakashima@capitol.hawaii.gov     

Representative Joy San Buenaventura (D)    
Email: repsanbuenaventura@Capitol.hawaii.gov      

Representative Gregg Takayama (D) 
Email: reptakayama@capitol.hawaii.gov       

Representative Roy Takumi (D)        
Email: reptakumi@capitol.hawaii.gov           

Representative Kyle Yamashita (D)  
Email: repyamashita@capitol.hawaii.gov