Missouri Introduces Bill to Eliminate Mileage Restrictions for Historic Vehicles

DON’T DELAY!  Please contact Senate Transportation, Infrastructure, and Public Safety Committee to request support for S.B. 242:

You may use the following points in your message:

  • S.B. 242 would allow historic vehicles to be issued license plates without a mileage restriction.   
  • Under current law, historic vehicles are limited to just 1,000 miles of driving for personal use per year. 
  • S.B. 242 recognizes the burden that the current system of tracking places on historic vehicle owners. 
  • S.B. 242 endorses the fact that historic vehicles are overwhelmingly well-maintained and infrequently driven (a fraction of the miles each year as a new vehicle).

Overview: Legislation (S.B. 242) has been introduced in Missouri that would allow historic vehicles to be issued license plates without an annual mileage restriction. The current law limits historic vehicle owners to 1,000 miles of driving for personal use per year. The bill currently awaits consideration in the Senate Transportation, Infrastructure, and Public Safety Committee.