Pennsylvania Allows Motorsports to Resume
Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf issued updated business guidance to allow outdoor recreation facilities, including motorsports, to resume operation in the state. Under the Governor’s Process to Reopen Pennsylvania plan, counties in the state are placed in either the red, yellow, or green phase, with each new phase allowing additional businesses to operate. All Pennsylvania counties are currently in the yellow or green phase. Motorsports facilities in counties in the yellow phase can operate at 50% capacity, while those in the green phase can operate at 75% capacity, with additional restrictions in place to maintain social distancing.
Performance Racing Industry (PRI) has created a SAN-supported 50-state racetrack reopening resource that is updated daily. More information on the status of motorsports facilities in Pennsylvania and all other states is available on the PRI website.
Thank you to those who voiced their support on this issue.

Dear SEMA Action Network (SAN): Recent world events have impacted us all. Rest assured, the SAN will continue to be the voice of auto enthusiasts in state capitols and Washington, DC. With your help, we’ve already achieved several triumphs this year—thank you! Meantime, SEMA is working to safeguard our hobby so we can continue to pursue our passion. For updates, news and resources, please visit Ignited We Stand!