UPDATE: Tell New Mexico to Allow Motorsports to Resume
DON’T DELAY! Please contact New Mexico’s leaders and ask them to support the New Mexico Motorsports Coalition’s updated plan to safely resume racing with spectators.
You may use the following points in your message:
- The New Mexico Motorsports Coalition (NMMC) has put forth an updated plan to safely allow racing to resume statewide with spectators.
- NMMC’s proposal allows motorsports to safely operate under Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham’s reopening plan for the state.
- NMMC’s plan allows residents to enjoy racing in their communities instead of traveling to neighboring states that have already implemented similar guidelines.
- New Mexico has a rich motorsports tradition and is home to 16 racetracks and the businesses and enthusiasts that support them.
- The safe resumption of racing would provide desperately needed economic stimulus to New Mexico and a morale boost to its residents.
Overview: The New Mexico Motorsports Coalition (NMMC), a group comprised of racing facilities across New Mexico, has submitted an updated, comprehensive SAN-supported plan to Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham that would allow motorsports to safely resume with spectators statewide. As it stands, New Mexico residents must travel to neighboring states in order to enjoy racing.