From Pennsylvania Administrative Code:

67 Pa. Code § 19.1. Purpose.

This chapter establishes rules and procedures for titling of street rods, specially constructed vehicles and reconstructed vehicles as prescribed by 75 Pa.C.S. § 1103(g) (relating to application for certificate of title).

67 Pa. Code § 19.2. Definitions.

The following words and terms, when used in this chapter, have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:

Glider kit--A truck cab or cab and hood assembly, including a front axle assembly and frame rails, with or without an engine, manufactured and sold with a manufacturer's Statement of Origin for replacement of damaged or worn components of an existing truck.

Reconstructed vehicle--One of the following:

(i) A vehicle, except an antique or classic vehicle, for which a certificate of salvage (junk) has been issued, which is thereafter restored to operating condition and which is substantially in conformance with the specifications of the manufacturer.

Example: A Chevrolet sedan restored to its original operating condition and manufacturer's appearance for its particular year and model, after having been "totalled," that is, the vehicle had damages which exceeded the vehicle's market value, thus resulting in the vehicle being junked.

(ii) A vehicle, including a street rod, which meets the following conditions:

(A) The vehicle has been materially altered by the removal, addition or substitution of essential parts derived from various other makes or models.

(B) The Department has determined that the vehicle is readily recognizable as a vehicle of a generally recognized make or model.

Examples: A 1977 Cadillac coupe which has gone through the removal of the metal top and replacement of it with a convertible top, and similar body changes or customizing without altering the essential make or model identity of the vehicle.

Specially constructed vehicle--One of the following:

(i) A vehicle not originally constructed by a generally recognized manufacturer of vehicles under a distinctive name and not materially altered from its original construction, but assembled from parts of various vehicles or kits, or both, and which would be commonly known as a "homemade" vehicle, such as the assembly of a dune buggy from the chassis of a manufactured vehicle and a fiberglass body kit, or the assembly of the chassis of a Mercury and the body of a Ford, and similar combination of makes and models.

(ii) A vehicle which has been materially altered by the removal, addition or substitution of essential parts derived from various other makes and models and which the Department determines cannot be readily identified as a vehicle of a generally recognized make or model, such as the installation of a Rolls Royce-style hood and grill on a Volkswagen, and similar major "customizing" change tending to disguise the vehicle's original make and model identity.

Street rod--A motor vehicle, or a reproduction thereof, with a model year of 1948 or older which has been materially altered or modified by the removal, addition or substitution of essential parts and with a gross weight or registered gross weight of not more than 9,000 pounds.

67 Pa. Code § 19.2a. Certificate of title to designate type of vehicle.

The certificate of title issued for every specially constructed vehicle and reconstructed vehicle, as defined in 75 Pa.C.S. (relating to the Vehicle Code) and § 19.2 (relating to definitions), shall clearly describe the vehicles by type as follows:

(1) The certificate of title for every specially constructed vehicle as defined in § 19.2 shall describe the make of vehicles as "specially constructed."

(2) The certificate of title for every reconstructed vehicle as defined in § 19.2 shall describe the vehicle by its original make or trade name but shall be coded to designate it as a reconstructed vehicle except when a vehicle is reconstructed by installation of a glider kit of a different make from the original vehicle. In this case the description of the vehicle shall indicate the make of the glider kit and include a glider kit designation. The title shall also be coded to designate it as a reconstructed vehicle. In the case of a street rod, the title shall be coded to designate it as both a street rod and a reconstructed vehicle.

67 Pa. Code § 19.3. Application for title for reconstructed vehicles or specially constructed vehicles.

(a) Forms. The owner of a vehicle which has been reconstructed or specially constructed shall apply for a certificate of title on the appropriate form furnished by the Department.

(b) Supplemental documents to application for title. The application shall be accompanied by:

(1) Outstanding certificates of title, manufacturer's certificates of origin or certificates of salvage (junk), issued for vehicles, the parts of which were used in the construction of the vehicle, if the vehicles are no longer operable or able to be registered; or bills of sale for the major components of the vehicle for which no other proof of ownership is available.

(2) Departmental Form, "Report of Investigation of Specially Constructed or Reconstructed Vehicle or Street Rod", properly completed by an official inspection station mechanic and the applicant. This paragraph does not apply to a vehicle exempt from inspection under 75 Pa.C.S. § 4703(b) (relating to operation of vehicle without official certificate of inspection).

(3) The proper sales and use tax form.

(4) The necessary title and registration fees.

(5) Three photographs, one each of the front, rear and side of the vehicle except for a motor home, in which case, one exterior and two interior photographs shall be required. Photographs shall be signed and dated by the examining inspection mechanic. The requirement to submit photographs is waived for a vehicle reconstructed by installation of a glider kit.

67 Pa. Code § 19.4. Subsequent material alterations.

The owner of a reconstructed vehicle or a specially constructed vehicle which undergoes a subsequent material alteration or restoration of a type defined in § 19.2 (relating to definitions) shall reapply for an appropriate certificate of title. Complete application, including new photographs, shall be made as provided in § 19.3 (relating to application for title for reconstructed vehicles or specially constructed vehicles).

67 Pa. Code § 67.1. Purpose.

This chapter establishes procedures governing the issuance and use of antique and classic registration plates and facilitates the enforcement of section 1340 of the act (relating to antique and classic plates).

67 Pa. Code § 67.2. Definitions.

The following words and terms, when used in this chapter, have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:

Act--75 Pa.C.S. §§ 101--9910 (relating to the Vehicle Code).

Antique motor vehicle--A motor vehicle, but not a reproduction thereof, manufactured more than 25 years prior to the current year, which has been maintained in or restored to a condition which is substantially in conformance with manufacturer specifications.

Classic motor vehicle--A self-propelled vehicle, but not a reproduction thereof, manufactured more than 10 years prior to the current year and because of discontinued production and limited availability, determined by the Department to be a model or make of significant value to collectors or exhibitors, and which has been maintained in or restored to a condition which is substantially in conformance with manufacturer specifications and appearance.

Department--The Department of Transportation of the Commonwealth.

67 Pa. Code § 67.3. Application for antique or classic registration plates.

(a) Application. Application for antique or classic registration plates shall be made on forms issued by the Department.

(b) Supplemental documents. The application shall be accompanied by four color photographs-- front, rear and both sides--of the vehicle for which the application is being submitted. The photographs shall be clear and the condition of the vehicle easily ascertainable from them. The photographs shall be submitted in accordance with instructions provided by the Department.

(c) Additional information required for classic vehicles. If a vehicle is to be registered as a classic, the applicant may be required to provide the Department with documentation that one or more of the following conditions has been met:

(1) The production of the particular make or model has been discontinued.

(2) The vehicle was manufactured as a limited edition or is otherwise of limited availability.

(3) The vehicle is of a model or make that is of significant value to collectors or exhibitors.

(4) The vehicle is substantially in conformance with manufacturer specifications and appearance so as to qualify for participation in organized club activities, exhibits, tours and parades.

(d) Other means of transportation. An applicant for antique or classic registration shall maintain regular registration on another motor vehicle for personal transportation. If the registration is not maintained the applicant shall sign an affidavit indicating the type of transportation that he uses on a regular basis.

67 Pa. Code § 67.4. Change from classic to antique registration.

When a registered classic vehicle becomes of age to qualify for antique registration, the owner may apply for an antique registration plate by submitting the appropriate Departmental form and the registration fee.

67 Pa. Code § 67.5. Fee exemptions not applicable.

Exemptions under section 1901 of the act (relating to exemption of entities and vehicles from fees) do not apply to antique and classic vehicle registration fees.

67 Pa. Code § 67.6. Use of antique and classic registration plates.

No person may operate a vehicle with antique or classic registration plates for commercial purposes or for general daily transportation. Permitted use is limited to participation in club activities, exhibits, tours, parades and similar uses, and for occasional transportation. Occasional transportation means no more than 1 day a week.

67 Pa. Code § 67.7. Expiration and transfer of antique and classic registration plates.

(a) Registration period. Both antique and classic registration plates are valid for the life of the vehicle as long as owned by the same owner. If the owner sells the vehicle, the plates remain with the owner and may be used on another qualified vehicle, upon payment of proper registration and title fees.

(b) Conveyance of registration plate. The seller of a registered antique or classic vehicle may authorize the buyer to use the same plate. The buyer shall forward the seller's letter authorizing the use of the plate to the Bureau of Motor Vehicles, along with other appropriate documents and fees when applying for title and registration of the vehicle. The buyer shall pay the full registration fee to have the plate and vehicle registered to the buyer. If ownership is transferred between spouses, or between parent and child, the plate may be transferred upon payment of the registration transfer fee. No additional antique or classic registration fee may be paid.

67 Pa. Code § 67.8. Sanctions.

(a) Suspension and revocation. The Department may, after providing the opportunity for a hearing, suspend the classic or antique motor vehicle registration of a person who violates this chapter for a period of 1 month for a first violation and for a period of 3 months for a second or subsequent violation. The Department may revoke a classic or antique motor vehicle registration after providing the opportunity for a hearing when the Department finds, upon sufficient evidence, that the vehicle no longer qualifies for registration as a classic or antique motor vehicle.

(b) Return of classic or antique registration cards and plates upon suspension or revocation. Suspensions and revocations shall take effect on the date ordered by the Department. Upon suspension or revocation of antique or classic registration, the registrant shall return his registration plate to the Department immediately, as required by section 1376 of the act (relating to surrender of registration plates and cards upon suspension). No refund will be given and no credit will be earned toward a registration plate subsequently issued for the vehicle.

67 Pa. Code § 67.9. Duty to return cards and plates.

The registrant shall return to the Department the classic or antique registration cards and plate if the vehicle no longer qualifies under this chapter because it has been modified or it has not been properly maintained.

From Pennsylvania Consolidated Statues:

75 Pa.C.S.A. § 1103.1. Application for certificate of title

(a) Contents of application.--Application for a certificate of title shall be made upon a form prescribed and furnished by the department and shall contain a full description of the vehicle, the vehicle identification number, odometer reading, date of purchase, the actual or bona fide name and address of the owner, a statement of the title of applicant, together with any other information or documents the department requires to identify the vehicle and to enable the department to determine whether the owner is entitled to a certificate of title, and the description of any security interests in the vehicle. Program participants in the Address Confidentiality Program under 23 Pa.C.S. Ch. 67 (relating to domestic and sexual violence victim address confidentiality) may use a substitute address designated by the Office of Victim Advocate as their address.

(b) Signing and filing of application.--Application for a certificate of title shall be made within 20 days of the sale or transfer of a vehicle or its entry into this Commonwealth from another jurisdiction, whichever is later. The application shall be accompanied by the fee prescribed in this title and any tax payable by the applicant under the laws of this Commonwealth in connection with the acquisition or use of a vehicle or evidence to show that the tax has been collected. The application shall be signed and verified by oath or affirmation by the applicant if a natural person; in the case of an association or partnership, by a member or a partner; and in the case of a corporation, by an executive officer or some person specifically authorized by the corporation to sign the application.

(c) Manufacturer's Statement of Origin for new vehicles.--If the application refers to a new vehicle, it shall be accompanied by the Manufacturer's Statement of Origin for the vehicle.

(d) Vehicles purchased from dealers.--If the application refers to a vehicle purchased from a dealer, the dealer shall mail or deliver the application to the department within 20 days of the date of purchase. The application shall contain the names and addresses of any lienholders in order of priority and the amounts and the dates of the security agreements and be assigned by the dealer to the owner and signed by the owner. Any dealer violating this subsection is guilty of a summary offense and shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine of $50 for each violation. The requirement that the dealer mail or deliver the application to the department does not apply to vehicles purchased by fleet owners or governmental or quasi-governmental agencies.

(d.1) Presumption of receipt and grace period prior to prosecution.--Within one business day of receiving an application referring to a vehicle purchased from a dealer, the department shall stamp the application with a work identification number, which shall include the year and day that the application was received at the department. In determining whether a dealer has submitted an application in accordance with subsection (d), an additional ten-day period shall be calculated and allotted to the dealer to account for any possible delay of the mail or by the department in timely stamping an application as to the year and day received. No issuing authority or court shall extend this period. An application, or copy thereof certified by the department, which displays the stamped work identification document number shall be accepted by any issuing authority or court in any proceeding as prima facie evidence of the date that the application was received by the department. If the displayed stamp is not legible, a certification by the department of the date that the application was received shall be accepted by the issuing authority or court as prima facie evidence of that date.

(e) Out-of-State vehicles.--If the application refers to a vehicle last previously titled or registered in another state or country, the following information shall be contained in or accompany the application or be forwarded in support of the application as required by the department:

(1) Any certificate of title issued by the other state or country.

(2) A tracing of the vehicle identification number taken from the official number plate or, where it is impossible to secure a legible tracing, verification that the vehicle identification number of the vehicle has been inspected and found to conform to the description given in the application. The department shall provide by regulation the persons who are authorized to verify vehicle identification numbers under this paragraph.

(3) Any other information and documents the department reasonably requires to establish the ownership of the vehicle and the existence or nonexistence of security interests in the vehicle.

(f) Foreign vehicles owned by military personnel.--If the application refers to a vehicle last previously registered in another country by a person on active duty in the armed forces of the United States, the department may accept a complete form issued by the United States Department of Defense as evidence of ownership.

(g) Specially constructed, reconstructed or modified vehicles.--If the vehicle to be titled is a specially constructed, reconstructed or modified vehicle, that fact shall be stated in the application. The department may promulgate rules and regulations pertaining to the titling of specially constructed, reconstructed or modified vehicles.

(g.1) Verification.--In lieu of notarization of any document required to be submitted with the application for certificate of title, the department shall accept the verification of a person's signature by a wholesale vehicle auction licensed by the State Board of Vehicle Manufacturers, Dealers and Salespersons or its employee, or an issuing agent who is licensed as a vehicle dealer by the State Board of Vehicle Manufacturers, Dealers and Salespersons, or its employee. The name and identification number and the signature of the issuing agent or wholesale vehicle auction or respective employee shall be written in the space reserved for a notarization or verification. If an issuing agent or wholesale vehicle auction or respective employee falsely verifies a person's signature, the department shall suspend the issuing agent's or wholesale vehicle auction's authority to issue temporary registration plates and cards for not less than 30 days. When verification is used in lieu of notarization, the issuing agent or its employee shall verify a person's identity by using at least one form of government-issued photo identification. A copy of the form of identification used shall be maintained by the issuing agent for a period of three years from the date of the verification.

(h) Penalties.--Any person who falsely verifies a signature under subsection (g.1) or a vehicle identification number under subsection (e)(2) or who verifies a vehicle identification number without being authorized as provided in subsection (e)(2) commits a summary offense punishable by a fine of $300.

75 Pa.C.S.A. § 1106. Content and effect of certificate of title

(a) Vehicle identification and encumbrances.--A certificate of title shall contain such description and other evidence of identification of the vehicle for which it is issued as the department may deem necessary and the odometer reading, together with a statement of any liens or encumbrances, including the names of the holder or holders of the liens or encumbrances and any indication of special use or condition set forth under subsection (b).

(b) Indication of special use or condition.--No person shall assign a certificate of title to any vehicle unless the certificate clearly contains notice of the use or condition if the vehicle is or has been:

(1) used as a police car;

(2) used as a taxicab for the transport of passengers, for hire, having a seating capacity of nine or fewer passengers;

(3) an abandoned vehicle;

(4) a flood vehicle;

(5) a modified vehicle;

(6) a reconstructed vehicle;

(7) a specially constructed vehicle;

(8) a recovered theft vehicle or a theft vehicle if required to be retitled under section 1164 (relating to theft vehicles);

(9) a vehicle originally manufactured for intended distribution outside the United States;

(10) bearing a VIN plate differing from its original; or

(11) a motor vehicle returned to a vehicle dealer or manufacturer pursuant to the act of March 28, 1984 (P.L. 150, No. 28),1 known as the Automobile Lemon Law. Indication of the use or condition shall be deemed part of the description of the vehicle. Any person violating this subsection commits a summary offense and shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine of $200.

(c) Certificate as evidence and notice.--A certificate of title issued by the department is prima facie evidence of the facts appearing on the certificate. The certificate shall be adequate notice to the Commonwealth, creditors, subsequent lienholders and purchasers that a lien against the vehicle exists. The printed name of the secretary shall constitute a signature on the certificate.

75 Pa.C.S.A. § 1165. Reconstructed vehicles

(a) General rule.--If a vehicle, other than an antique or classic vehicle, for which a certificate of salvage has been issued is thereafter restored to operating condition, it shall be regarded as a reconstructed vehicle.

(b) Application for a reconstructed vehicle certificate of title.--A reconstructed vehicle title and registration shall be issued to an applicant if the applicant presents to the department an application for a certificate of title upon a form furnished and prescribed by the department and any other information the department deems appropriate.

75 Pa.C.S.A. § 1165.1. Inspection of reconstructed, modified and specially constructed vehicles

(a) Findings of fact.--The General Assembly finds that a key element for successfully converting a stolen vehicle into a marketable item is obtaining a title to that vehicle. In a report to the Congress of the United States, the Motor Vehicle Titling, Registration and Salvage Advisory Committee made several recommendations that would assist state motor vehicle agencies to combat the vehicle theft and title fraud that has been rising at an alarming rate throughout the nation. In the committee's report, recommendations were for each state to establish a two-part inspection procedure. Part one would be to inspect each vehicle to verify the VIN and replacement parts (supported by titles, proof of ownership, bills of sale) and owner affirmation. Part two would be to provide a uniform safety inspection for rebuilt salvage vehicles.

(b) General rule.--All reconstructed, modified and specially constructed vehicles shall be required to undergo an enhanced vehicle safety inspection as specified in departmental contracts, policy guidelines or regulations as deemed appropriate by the advisory panel convened under section 1165.2 (relating to Specialized Vehicle Compliance Inspection Advisory Panel).

75 Pa.C.S.A. § 7104. State replacement vehicle identification number plate

(a) General rule.--No vehicle on which the vehicle identification number has been removed or falsified shall be titled or registered without a special permit from the department.

(b) Application for plate.--Before a certificate of title or registration for the vehicle can be obtained, the owner shall apply to the department for a State replacement vehicle identification number plate on a form furnished by the department which shall contain the full name and address of the owner and any other information the department may deem necessary, as certified by a police officer.

(c) Designation on plate.--The State replacement vehicle identification number plate shall contain:

(1) Official department identification.

(2) The manufacturer's vehicle identification number, if known, or a number assigned by the department.

(d) Issuance and display of plate.--The department shall furnish a State replacement vehicle identification number plate which shall be immediately placed on the driver's side inside door post or as designated by the department.

(e) Reconstructed, modified or specially constructed vehicle.--The department may assign a State replacement vehicle identification number plate for a reconstructed, modified or specially constructed vehicle or theft recovery vehicle being brought into the Commonwealth from another state.

75 Pa.C.S.A. § 1165.1. Inspection of reconstructed, modified and specially constructed vehicles

(a) Findings of fact.--The General Assembly finds that a key element for successfully converting a stolen vehicle into a marketable item is obtaining a title to that vehicle. In a report to the Congress of the United States, the Motor Vehicle Titling, Registration and Salvage Advisory Committee made several recommendations that would assist state motor vehicle agencies to combat the vehicle theft and title fraud that has been rising at an alarming rate throughout the nation. In the committee's report, recommendations were for each state to establish a two-part inspection procedure. Part one would be to inspect each vehicle to verify the VIN and replacement parts (supported by titles, proof of ownership, bills of sale) and owner affirmation. Part two would be to provide a uniform safety inspection for rebuilt salvage vehicles.

(b) General rule.--All reconstructed, modified and specially constructed vehicles shall be required to undergo an enhanced vehicle safety inspection as specified in departmental contracts, policy guidelines or regulations as deemed appropriate by the advisory panel convened under section 1165.2 (relating to Specialized Vehicle Compliance Inspection Advisory Panel).

75 Pa.C.S.A. § 1301. Registration and certificate of title required

(a) Driving unregistered vehicle prohibited.--No person shall drive or move and no owner or motor carrier shall knowingly permit to be driven or moved upon any highway any vehicle which is not registered in this Commonwealth unless the vehicle is exempt from registration.

(b) Proof of residency.--A person charged under this section has the burden of proving that he is a nonresident whenever he asserts a defense based on section 1303 (relating to vehicles of nonresidents exempt from registration). If he produces at the office of the issuing authority satisfactory proof that he is a nonresident and is in compliance with section 1303 within five days after being charged with a violation of this section, the issuing authority shall dismiss the charge.

(c) Certificate of title prerequisite to registration.--No vehicle shall be registered unless a certificate of title has been applied for or issued if one is required by Chapter 11 (relating to certificate of title and security interests).

(c.1) Reconstructed, recovered theft, flood, modified and specially constructed vehicles.--Only the department shall issue a temporary registration plate or card, or permit the transfer of a registration plate, in conjunction with any application for reconstructed, recovered theft, flood, modified and specially constructed vehicles. Proof of financial responsibility must accompany the application for registration prior to the issuance of a registration plate.

(c.2) Special inspection prerequisite to operation.--After the effective date of this section, no reconstructed, modified or specially constructed vehicle may be operated on the highway until it has successfully passed an inspection at a reconstructed vehicle inspection station.

(d) Penalty.--Any person violating the provisions of subsection (a) is guilty of a summary offense and shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine of $75 or double the registration fee, whichever is greater, except when the vehicle was previously registered in this Commonwealth within 60 days of the commission of the offense whereupon the fine shall be $25. In the case of a motor carrier vehicle other than a trailer, the fine shall be $50 if the motor carrier vehicle was previously registered in this Commonwealth within 60 days of the commission of the offense or, if the registration occurs outside the 60-day period, the fine shall be double the registration fee for the maximum weight at which the vehicle could have been registered in this Commonwealth.

75 Pa.C.S.A. § 1307. Period of registration

(a) Staggered renewal system to be established.--The department shall establish a system of staggered registration renewal in a manner that an approximately equal number of registrations will expire every month throughout the year.

In order to implement and maintain the staggered registration system, the department may prorate annual registration fees over registration periods of from 6 to 18 months.

(a.1) Seasonal registration.--Upon application on a form prescribed by the department, the owner or lessee of a passenger car, recreational motor vehicle, motorcycle, truck or farm vehicle which does not have a gross vehicle weight rating of more than 14,000 pounds may register the vehicle with the department for a period of successive months of less than one year. The applicant shall specify the period of months during which the vehicle shall be registered. Except when the department initially converts a currently valid annual registration to a seasonal registration, the annual fee prescribed for the vehicle by Chapter 19 (relating to fees) shall be paid in full by the applicant regardless of the number of months chosen for registration by the applicant. Upon receipt of the appropriate fee and the properly completed form, including all information required by this chapter, the department shall issue a seasonal registration that shall expire on the last day of the expiration month chosen by the registrant. No insurer of a vehicle belonging to any owner or lessee who obtains a seasonal registration and who applies for or receives a reduced automobile insurance premium on account thereof shall be required to provide any contractual coverage, whether in the form of the provision of a defense or the payment of first-party or third-party benefits or otherwise, to the owner or lessee in connection with any event occurring during that part of the year in which the vehicle is not registered; and such owner or lessee shall be treated for all purposes, including, without limitation, ascertaining rights to stack coverages and to uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage, as a person who does not own that vehicle and has no duty to carry financial responsibility on it for that part of the year.

(b) New registration.--A new registration is effective on the date of issuance of a registration card by the department or the date of issuance of a temporary registration card by an authorized agent of the department under section 1310 (relating to temporary registration cards).

(c) Renewal of registration.--A renewed registration shall be effective on issuance by the department of a renewed registration card.

(d) Expiration of registration.--A registration shall expire on the last day of the month designated on the registration card.

(e) Antique, classic and collectible vehicles.--Antique, classic and collectible motor vehicle registrations shall expire upon the salvaging, scrapping or transfer of ownership of the vehicle, except that if the transfer is between spouses or between parent and child the registration may be transferred upon payment of a transfer fee.

(f) Optional permanent trailer registration.--Except as set forth in section 1920(c) (relating to trailers), the registration of trailers permanently registered as provided in section 1920(c) shall expire upon salvaging of the vehicle or transfer of ownership.

(g) Election.--Upon application on a form prescribed by the department, the owner or lessee of a motor vehicle, except a motor vehicle registered under the International Registration Plan and a motor vehicle with a seasonal registration or a circus or carnival plate, may elect to pay an annual registration fee for a two-year period. The fee shall be two times the amount of the registration fee otherwise payable for the motor vehicle under this title.

75 Pa.C.S.A. § 1340. Antique, classic and collectible plates

(a) General rule.--Upon submission by a vehicle owner of information satisfactory to the department that a motorcycle or motor vehicle is an antique motorcycle or motor vehicle or classic motorcycle or motor vehicle or collectible motorcycle or motor vehicle, accompanied by the appropriate fee, the department may issue special plates for the motorcycle or vehicle. The special plate for antique motor vehicles, except antique motorcycles, shall bear the designation "antique vehicle." The applicant shall provide photographic proof in a manner specified by the department to demonstrate the condition of the motor vehicle. No annual registration fee may be charged for antique, collectible or classic motorcycles or motor vehicles. A holder of the special plates may obtain replacement plates bearing the designation "antique vehicle" upon payment of the appropriate fee.

(a.1) Vintage registration plates.--In lieu of a special plate issued under subsection (a), the owner of an antique or classic motor vehicle may request permission from the department to display a vintage registration plate from the model year of the motor vehicle. The vintage registration plate shall be:

(1) Provided by the motor vehicle owner.

(2) A Pennsylvania registration plate issued between the years 1906 and 1976.

(3) Legible from a reasonable distance.

The applicant shall provide information as the department may require for processing the request and a $75 application fee. The department may deny a request to use a vintage registration plate for cause.

(a.2) Historic military vehicle plates.--In lieu of a special plate issued under subsection (a), the owner of a historic military vehicle may be issued by the department special plates for the vehicle which shall have the same force and effect as antique or classic registration plates. The applicant shall provide information as the department may require for processing the request and a $75 application fee.

(b) Use of plates.--It is unlawful for any person to operate a motorcycle or vehicle with antique, classic, vintage, collectible or historic military vehicle registration plates for general daily transportation. Permitted use shall be limited to participation in club activities, exhibits, tours, parades, occasional transportation and similar uses. Occasional transportation shall mean no more than one day per week.

(c) Definition.--As used in this section, the term "historic military vehicle" means an antique or classic vehicle, including a trailer, that was manufactured for use in any country's military forces and is maintained to represent the vehicle's military design and markings accurately.

75 Pa.C.S.A. § 1340.1. Street rod plate

Upon submission by a vehicle owner of information satisfactory to the department that a motor vehicle is a street rod, accompanied by the appropriate fee, the department shall issue special plates for the vehicle which shall have the same force and effect as regular registration plates. The applicant shall comply with all laws and regulations pertaining to registration including the payment of any additional fees.

75 Pa.C.S.A. § 1923. Antique, classic and collectible vehicles

The fee for registration of an antique, classic or collectible motor vehicle shall be $75.

75 Pa.C.S.A. § 1931.1. Street rod registration plates

The fee for the issuance of a street rod registration plate shall be $51 which shall be in addition to the annual registration fee. Only one payment of the issuance fee shall be charged for each street rod registration plate issued or replaced.

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